Therapy dog massage

come and recharge


therapy dog massage


about me


I completed my training as a therapeutic dog masseuse at Ebcsont Odú in 2016. In addition to massage, I also took courses in Therapeutic Dog Taping, Reflexology, and Canine Acupressure at the same organization. Furthermore, I am a naturopath (acupressurist, bioenergetic practitioner), Touch for Health kinesiologist, and a human masseur. I have been studying natural remedies for years. I believe that with this knowledge, we can initiate the body’s self-healing processes to create a balanced state..


about the massage

The therapeutic dog massage is primarily based on the elements of classical Swedish massage and Thai massage. The therapy itself can be performed based on a veterinary diagnosis under the professional supervision of a veterinarian.

What is Swedish massage? A mechanical stimulus applied manually to the surface of the body for therapeutic purposes, which triggers the body’s self-healing mechanism.

The general effects:

Normalization of heart rate, regulation of blood pressure, optimization of breathing, improvement of muscle performance, normalization of metabolic processes.

For general well-being improvement.

Before and after intense physical activity.


Age-related issues.

Musculoskeletal disorders.

Enhancement of sports performance.

For me, massage is not solely a mechanical impact. The body (both in dogs and humans) contains invisible energy channels. During a massage, we also interact with these channels, and understanding them is essential in order to achieve a much more comprehensive effect. Animals respond incredibly quickly to impulses in their energy system. Therefore, in addition to massage, remarkable results can be achieved through reflexology, acupressure, and energy treatments. I also use Safe Laser treatments to accelerate cell regeneration.

Certainly, there are cases when massage is not recommended (contraindications):

  • In acute conditions.
  • In inflammatory diseases.
  • In infectious diseases and fever.
  • In cases of cancer.
  • In bone fractures and traumatic injuries.
  • Skin conditions, dermatological disorders.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • In cases of circulatory disorders.
  • For psychological issues, epilepsy.
  • Advanced osteoporosis.