Spiritlane Atisa


Spiritlane Atisa

Name Spiritlane Atisa
Date of birth 29.05.2014 
Breed Labrador retriever, dog
Owner Csaba Karai
Breeder Csaba Karai
Ability test passed
Breeding licence passed
Working exam passed
Therapy test passed
Working test Open class


Hips (HD) B mild
Elbows (ED) free
Shoulders (OCD) free
CNM (parents) free

Peru was born as one of the 8 Labrador puppies in my kennel, Spiritlane Gundogs, which was established in 2014. He became my first self-bred dog. He is an incredibly sensitive dog who pays attention to every move I make. Everyone loves him for his friendliness and calmness.

I started working with him quite late because I had to rebuild his confidence many times. He had difficulty trusting distances and straight lines, but he eventually became a reliable dog.

To be honest, she didn’t have many opportunities to stand out. I believe that hunting would have brought out her true potential, but it didn’t fit into my lifestyle. Nonetheless, we participated in a few competitions. We won a competition in the M class in Austria and also qualified in the Open class.

She is a fantastic and stylish hunting dog, easily controllable, and incredibly calm.

This calmness is very helpful for the young dogs that come to me for training. After individual training sessions, she provides great assistance in transitioning to group training. At this stage, having such a reliable dog working alongside the students is invaluable.

It was the best decision to fulfill an old dream with her, and she has become a therapy dog.


Spiritlane Atisa

Peru is a therapy dog for the Csiga-Biga Foundation. In 2018, we obtained the therapy dog certification at the Institute for the Deaf. We regularly visit schools, developmental classes, summer and forest camps, and also assist in energy healing sessions.

With his sensitivity, he provides fantastic assistance to both children and adults. I will never forget the moment when I took him to the energy healing center at Kossuth Square, where I also worked. We were treating a severely paralyzed 6-year-old boy, and we felt that the presence of a therapy dog would benefit him. Peru approached him, lay down next to him, hugged him, and in an incredible way, helped him relax. It was the situation where we could provide the most effective treatment, as Peru managed to release the tension in the little boy. That day, there were tears in everyone’s eyes. I believe it’s worthwhile to work in this area and help those in need. I can honestly say that it has given me more than any successful competition result.




24.09.2017 Dorog (H) - 10th place

Open class,   58/80 points, good

Judges: Luise Linneman (DK), Thorsten Helmrath (D)

2017.09.17. Kaisersteinbruch (A) - 1.hely
Osztály: Intermediate (M), 70/80 pont, very good

Bírók: Tomi Sarkkinen (FIN), Miso Sipola (FIN), Petteri Hirvonen (FIN), Athanasios Keller(A)

Megnézem az eredményt

2017.06.25. Mürzzuschlag (A) - n.c.
Osztály: Intermediate (M), 50/80 pont, not classified

Bírók: Rita Kökeny (H), Betty Schwieren (D), Cinzia Fedi Sgorbati (I), Michaela Tomcova (CZ)

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2016.09.17. Bad Aussee (A) - 11.hely

Osztály: Novice (L), 65/80 pont, very good

Bírók: Ton Buijs (NL), Malcolm Stringer (GB), Wolfgang Harrer (AT), Steven Polley (GB)

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2016.06.25. Mürzzuschlag (A) - 3.hely
Osztály: Novice (L), 75/80 pont, excellent

Bírók: Lee Hartis (GB), Dirk Volders (B), David Latham (GB), Stefano Martinoli (I)

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